SDLP 60inch Series Rear Projection Video Wall

Advanced screen construction enables SDLP 60inch Series displays to deliver seamless images, regardless of the size of the video wall - minimizing screen gaps, or mullions, to less than one milimeter or pixel, while retaining Starview’s pioneering full rear or front - service access design.

Product Category:
Product ID:
  • #4633
Price:Starview SDLP 60inch Series Brochure
Phone: +84866207855Video Watch:

» Overview
  Starview SDLP 60inch Series is a complete line of LED or Laser (option) -illuminated rear projection video wall displays that deliver superb image quality, industry-leading power-efficient performance, reliable long life and ease of operation. Designed to fully exploit the latest generation LEDs, DLP systems, optics, image electronics and quality screens, SDLP 60inch Series displays maintain a stable image and worry-free operation for many years. 
  With crisp, clear images, SDLP 60inch Series displays deliver outstanding brightness of up to 1100+ ANSI lumens, illumination life up to 80,000 hours and high display reliability. The rugged SDLP 60inch Series is engineered for easy set up and commissioning with quiet, worry-free operation and a low cost-of-ownership.